About the Trainer
Name : คันธ์นิธิ สามแก้ว Kunnithi Samkaew Overview : Senior executive engineer having more than 40 years experiences in Thailand and international career predominantly in construction of Solar PV power generation plant, Power plant Project Development, High-Rise Building, Gas-oil & Petro-chemical Industries : (1) Project Development: Renewable Energy Power Plant; (2) Engineering Design: Concept/ Details Design; (3) Construction Management: Cost Estimation, Bidding proposal and Construction Consultation; (4) Financial: FS Study and Cash Flow of Renewable Energy Power Plant; (5) Engineering Certify and Endorsement: Holding Senior Professional Electrical Power (วุฒิวิศวกรไฟฟ้ากำลัง วฟก. 569) Experiences List : (1) Solar PV Power Plant: On Ground/Farm, Rooftop, Floating Solar and Solar PV + BESS; (2) Solar Energy Expert as the Instructor/Lecturer of the famous Solar Energy Training school; (3) Renewable Power Plant: Biomass Power Plant and Biogas Power Plant; (4) High-Rise Building: M&E system; (5) Sub-Substation works: 22-230 kV; (6) Gas-oil & Petro-Chemical Industry: Offshore Platform and Gas Separation Plant.
Solar Energy Experiences : Solar energy power generation plant on Solar Farms/on ground, Solar Rooftop, Floating Solar and Solar PV+BESS. The area of work varies from project development, concept design, details design, construction management and supervision, erection and installation through to system test, commissioning and start-up. Solar Power plant project development experiences with technical studies, financial study, feasibility study, Environment study and experiences in all of Permits and licenses. Project Management experiences in Solar plant construction and supervision as Project Manager with the ability to identities and solved problems and motivate staff, and conduct maintainable O&M, Organize and follow-up coordinate with EPC works until handover of the project.
Education Background and Professional Registration: 1. ป.ตรี วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้ากำลัง, B.S. in Electrical Engineering 2. ป.โท วิศวกรรมการบริหาร, M.S. in Management Engineering 3. ใบอนุญาติประกอบวิชาชีพวิศวกรรมควบคุม วุฒิวิศวกรไฟฟ้ากำลัง (วฟก.569) 4. สมาชิกสภาวิศวกร Council of Engineers, No. 32104 5. วิศวกรเอเปค APEC Engineer, No: TH-02 000060
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